Sunday, December 4, 2016

Owning a stereo center.

I work at a Car and home audio store that provides installation service as well as advice. Both my father and I both have interest in buying the small business when our current boss decides he would like to retire. My goals to help with this goal or vision is to be the best possible employee i can be and learn as much as I can from those around me and my boss so that if or when the day comes i will be prepared for it.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Random Thoughts on Employee Behavior

Employees are essentially the part of the organization that the public and consumers come in contact with. Employees should truthfully always be polite and kind no matter how rude the customer is or how the employees personal life factors in. When an employee is on the clock he or she is representing the company not themselves. I think employees everywhere should try to be as nice and friendly as possible to everyone.

Sunday, November 6, 2016


Intuition can be a helpful tool most of the time but it is not a good idea when you have more time to due market research or when the decision has major consequences. Intuition may be correct half the time but market research provides hard facts that will allow you to make the best decisions with the data you can collect.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Profit Margin

Different companies have different profit margins based upon the products they sell. Many products such as groceries and essentials are priced low with a low profit margin so that consumers will buy their product. These companies rely heavily on amount sold over profit margin to make their money. Other organizations such as electronic parts and pieces have a high profit margin so that they don't have to sell nearly as much to make a profit and stay in business. A lot of this pricing is determined by competition as well as volume of sales.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Sam Walton

Some people earn money even past death such as Elvis whether it is through a business or a museum. Sam Walton still earns money for his family through the vast network of walmarts and the distribution centers. Even though he does not have direct influence anymore over Walmart he set the ground work for generations to come.

Sunday, October 9, 2016


In business no matter the job or location or even how mean and hateful someone is towards you if you are representing a company you should always be thoughtful and courteous as well as try to be nice to the customer and be as helpful as you can be. This is a major part of being professional. Being professional makes the company look good as well as makes employees more likely to come back protecting your job. You should always act professional on the job.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

How to market to everyone

The truth is you can't market a single product to everyone. Say you are trying to market a pizza, say this pizza has pineapple, pepperoni, cheese, and sauce. Not everyone would like that pizza whether the person doesn't like pineapple on pizza or is a vegetarian. People have many different opinions and expectations and you can't meet everyone's expectations, there will always be someone that wont like your product and that is ok. As long as you market to a large enough percentage of people you have a good chance of selling enough of your product if it is a good product and the time to sell it is right.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

What consumers want

This is a tricky question to answer because the answer varies from person to person but in general each consumer wants a particular product but they expect getting the product to be as painless as possible. A consumer wants a person to help them that is kind and truthful as well as a fair price for the product. Consumers have trended toward wanting items that are less monetarily as well as fast to obtain. The item or service may not always be the same but how they obtain the good is what the consumer expects.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

The customer is not always right

Some instances the sales person is more knowledgeable than the customer especially on subjects that are not common knowledge to everyone such as how electronics work. A customer may what to hook up their computer to two different monitors for example and show one big picture across the two monitors. The customer may see a cable that looks like it may work but it actually just feeds the same picture to both monitors and they might want it because it is cheaper but that is where a sales person's knowledge comes in to make sure they will get the correct product for them so that they are satisfied customers. Other situations is when a cheaper product is of inferior quality and will not do the job that the customer wants due to this inferior quality. This is why the customer is not always right

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Keeping track of ideas. 
There are many ways of keeping track of ideas that come to you, business related or not. I have found that I personally try to keep it in my head by rethinking the idea over and over. When that route is not good enough I try to jot down a note in the notes app on my cell phone since it is always on me. There are other methods such as notebooks and other devices a lot of it is just having your method of remembering readily accessible.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Urban Living Needs
There are many stores and services that could provide services to consumers that are on a short walk or bike ride to their job. Cafes and drink shops would be a great shop to have in the middle of a high traffic area to attract customers that can stop real quick on their way to work. If bike usage becomes prevalent in a given area then a need for bicycle racks that customers can lock with their own lock for ease of use. This need would be satisfying for the bike riders and make their commute easier. It is even possible to make profit off of this such as charging say a dollar a day to be paid to use the parking. There is even a market for bicycle rentals for those who do not own a bicycle. These businesses have caught on such as On Bike Share (
These are just a few business that can pop up due to urban living and short commutes.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Hello, there are a few achievement I personally strive for. One major achievement is getting my degree in business management. I wish to achieve this for the accomplishment that comes with it as well as the bettering of my self and future that come from it. My other main achievement I wish to complete is to either own my own business or be top management and be responsible for a business success. I feel I am a natural leader and I always have been. I went through boy scouts and made the rank of eagle as well as being senor patrol leader so I have leadership experience and I want to put it to use.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Experience with entrepreneurs
I personally have been around one particular entrepreneur my whole life, Rex Helms. He personally started selling car stereos out of the trunk of his car in Cullman and when he acquired a Radio shack dealer store through debt that was owed to him he turned it into a thriving business. He has been in business for many many years throughout different store locations and move after move but the business is still going strong. I first met Rex Helms when I was younger and had to go to work with my dad on days that school was out because of weather and the such and then I did not learn to much about him but today I work for him and learn many things from his experience, things such as how to keep inventory and check inventory as well as how much time and commitment it takes to being an entrepreneur. I am impressed by his knowledge and try to learn from him any chance i get.